“Happy” Cancerversary????

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Yesterday was Cassie’s sixth cancerversary.

Dan and his brother were having lunch recently and talking about this impending milestone. Jesse asked: “ Do you say HAPPY Cancerversary?” To which Dan responded………”Ummmmmmm, that’s a good question, I don’t THINK so but I’m actually not sure and have to ask.”

When asked Cassie unequivocally and simply said “nope.”

You see, for us, nothing about Metastatic Breast Cancer, is particularly a cause for happiness. And while it’s true that we are incredibly relieved to see this date for the sixth time, it’s always a day of mixed emotions. Gratitude, grief, relief, sadness, fatigue, surprise, trepidation, fear, thankfulness and above all else, a continued sense of being overwhelmed and a continued appreciation for life’s tenuous nature.

So if you happen to know someone experiencing a cancerversary, perhaps note it. Tell them you imagine that it must be a strange day and offer them a hug or a smile or a kind word. But also know that it may not really be a cause for celebration — for us at least it’s not, though it may well be for others. It’s complicated and hard and beautiful all at the same time. It beats the hell out of the alternative for sure but it also signifies the start of another year of living with extreme uncertainty. Another year of ups and downs. Of scans and waiting. Another year of trying to survive and live and love as fully as we can. Cancerversaries are like everything else with MBC – surreal.

Thanks for being with us as we continue to navigate this complicated journey.