I look down a lot – not on other people but when I’m walking. Did the dog poop? Is there a crack in the sidewalk? (I do have a propensity to fall so that one kinda makes sense.) Is there a stray sandwich on the ground that Doc could get? 

The other day, Doc and I were out walking our new route (in St. Helena California where we are spending the spring) when he decided to stop. He just sat down and there was no moving him. So, being that we had no particular schedule restraints I just let him be. In that moment I looked up and saw the most amazing view of sunshine and fog on the mountain side. It was incredible. Doc and I had walked this same route at least twice before and I had never noticed it. Too much looking down. What other things had I been missing? 

What I realized is that when you slow down and look up you can see some cool stuff. A street bearing the same name as a friend. Two stone bears a top pillars flanking a driveway. A tree in bloom. The moon. 

I find myself continually amazed at how interesting and beautiful the world is. I like to think I was pretty mindful even before my diagnosis but I’m still surprised by the things I miss. For me, I think, it’s about remembering to be in THIS moment.  This is especially true in the midst of all of the Coronavirus fear. Right now it’s even easier to look down both literally and figuratively and instead I want to keep reminding myself to look up. Right now, today. Observing and taking each moment one moment at a time. Who knows what I’ll see today and how it will make me feel? This type of attention and intention grounds me, gives me focus and instant gratification.  

So, on this scary cancer journey and in these days of Coronavirus I commit to looking up AND walking safely!