A couple of weeks ago Cassie was sweating through a doctor mandated 30-minute workout (Cassie’s most recent appointment at Mayo showed that a year after back surgery a part of her spine has yet to fuse and amping up her exercise routine is supposed to help). Anyway, during said workout, Cassie’s Peloton instructor talked about “practicing joy.” Between encouraging commands to push and race and blaring 90s holiday tunes (think NSYNC, Destiny’s Child and Britney) she talked about intentionally cultivating joy.

We practice mindfulness, gratitude, yoga, meditation . . . so why not joy? 

By becoming more aware of things that bring us joy, by taking time to acknowledge and cultivate those experiences and by spreading joy to others the hope is that it will become easier and easier to live a joy filled life.  Just like anything; exercise, mindfulness, meditation; the more you do it the more routine and habitual it becomes.

Then last week a different Peloton teacher shouted at Dan that “later is now.” Don’t put things off, she encouraged. You never know what’s going to happen or what’s coming up. All you’re ever guaranteed is today. 

Wise are these Peloton instructors.

Practice joy. Live in the moment. 

To us these feel like great reflections/resolutions to take into 2022 (plus Dan is going to try and cook 100 new recipes over the next 12 months, so yum). 

What brings us joy today . . .

Cassie drinking coffee out of her grandmother’s winter themed mugs. Dan taking long morning walks. Reading on the couch with Doc the dog on our laps, twinkle lights in the backyard, the laughter and silliness of nieces and nephews, playing a nightly card game (more joy for each of us when when we win, obviously), our river place in Winona, sharing a meal with Cassie’s parents, gathering with our friends. 

Here’s to even more joy in 2022. Happy New Year.